of the Outer Planets
What is the MOP Conference ?
From 1974, this meeting has enhanced our understandings for the magnetospheres of outer planets, by world-wide exchanges of recent studies, discussions, and collaborative researches. [MOP Conference page @ Univ. Colorado]
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[Presentations] 169 in total (Oral:69 [Invited:19], Poster:100) [Members] 155 in total (Student:34)
[Schedule — 3 (Mon) – 7 (Fri) June 2019]
2 June (Sun) 1500-1800 [Katahira Sakura Hall]
Reception Desk open !
3 June (Mon) 0900-1715 [Katahira Sakura Hall]
Aurora – in-situ / Juno / Remote
(+ Poster Introduction #1)
4 June (Tue) 0900-1900 [Katahira Sakura Hall]
Aurora – Theory+Modeling, Cassini, Radiation Belts, Poster #1
(+ Poster Introduction #2, next MOP: Discussion!)
5 June (Wed) 0900-1900 [Katahira Sakura Hall]
Hisaki, Magnetic Flux / Plasma Transport+Heating, Structure, Poster #2
(+ Poster Introduction #3, next MOP: Vote!)
6 June (Thu) 0900-1150 [Katahira Sakura Hall]
Moon interactions
>>> Excursion + Party !!
7 June (Fri) 0900-1230 [Aoba Science Hall]
MI Coupling / Ionospheres / Dust, Dynamics
(+ splinter meetings)
Presenter Guides
– Invited: 25 min (20 min presentation + 5 min discussion)
– Contributed: 15 min (12 min presentation + 3 min discussion)
– Presenters can use own laptops (VGA / HDMI). Connection test should be done before the session start.
– Common presentation PC is also available. (File format: PPTX / PDF)
– If special supports are needed, please let LOC members know !
– Poster Promotion by each oral speakers: It is strongly encouraged to do brief poster introductions associated with the talk.
[Poster] (Monday morning — Thursday noon)
– Standard poster size: 1.2m (Width) x 0.84m (Height) (47” x 33″) [A0 landscape]
– Poster board: 1.2m (Width) x 1.8m (Height) (47” x 70”)
….. Any posters can be accepted within this size.
– Poster Introduction (Early PM on Mon-Wed): Session chairs show ‘the 1-page poster introduction’ which are submitted before the meeting. (1-min for each poster)
[Session Chairs]
– Aurora – in situ, Juno: Fran Bagenal
– Aurora – Remote Sensing: Laurent Lamy
– Aurora – Theory and Modeling: Fran Bagenal
– Cassini Grand Finale & PPO: Sarah Badman
– Radiation Belts: Daniel Santos-Costa
– Hisaki Summary: Tomoki Kimura
– Magnetic flux and plasma transport and plasma heating: Peter Delamere
– Structure: Adam Masters
– Moon Interactions: Lorenz Roth and Joachim Saur
– MI Coupling, Ionospheres, Dust: Bertrand Bonfond
– Dynamics: Xianzhe Jia
– Exoplanets and Stars (poster only): Philippe Zarka
– Instrument and Spacecraft (poster only): Go Murakami
Registration fee (on-line: closed)
— On-site (Cash only)
Standard: 15,000 yen
Graduate school students: 7,500 yen
— Invited, Accompanied, and Undergraduate students without presentation
Registration: free
Excursion and Banquet: needed
all: 5,000 yen per person (including invited or accompanied person)
(free for 12 years old and younger)
Excursion: a bus trip for Matsushima
all: 4,000 yen per person (including invited or accompanied person)
It covers ‘Round trip bus fare, Matsushima-bay boat and Zuigan-ji temple tickets’.
Abigail AZARI (Univ. Michigan)
George CLARK (Johns Hopkins Univ./APL)
Vincent DOLS (Univ. Colorado Boulder)
Rob EBERT (Southwest Research Inst.)
Sadie ELLIOTT (Univ. Iowa)
Denis GRODENT (Univ. Liège)
Xianzhe JIA (Univ. Michigan)
Satoshi KASAHARA (Univ. Tokyo)
Norbert KRUPP (Max Planck Inst.)
Bob LYSAK (Univ. Minnesota)
Yoshizumi MIYOSHI (Nagoya Univ.)
Luke MOORE (Boston Univ.)
Chris PARANICAS (Johns Hopkins Univ./APL)
Licia RAY (Lancaster Univ.)
Joachim SAUR (Univ. Cologne)
Yasuhito SEKINE (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
Fuminori TSUCHIYA (Tohoku Univ.)
Zhonghua YAO (Liege Univ.)
Sakura Hall [June 3 (Mon) – June 6 (Thu)]
Katahira Campus
close to Sendai station / Aoba-dori-Ichibancho station [Subway East-West Line]
Campus map + Google map
Aoba Science Hall [June 7 (Fri)]
Science Complex C bldg., North-Aobayama Campus
(5-min walk from Aobayama station [Subway East-West Line]
Campus map + Google map
Excursion [PM on June 6 (Thu)]
Bus tour for Matsushima, with Matsushima-bay Cruise ‘Matsushima-Matsushima’ and Zuigan-ji temple.
– 12:15 Getting on a bus
– 13:10 Arriving at Matsushima area
– 13:10-14:50 Lunch, sightseeing
– 15:00-16:00 Getting on a boat
– 16:00-17:45 Visiting Zuiganji-temple or any sightseeing
– 17:45 Getting on a bus
– 18:45 Arriving at Banquet place
– 19:00- Banquet (Kai-Sen-Ya, central Sendai)
Banquet [June 6 (Thu) 1900-]
Kai-Sen-Ya (Map and guide [Web in Japanese]): A large-sized bar in the Sendai downtown, within the walking distance from Katahira Campus and Sendai station.
Hotel Information:
The list of hotels and informations in sendai is form Booking.com.
Check-in available in English, English web sites and Free WiFi.
Richmond Hotel Premier Sendai Ekimae [0.3 km from Sendai Station]
Westin Hotel Sendai [0.7 km from Sendai Station]
Hotel Metropolitan Sendai East [0.1 km from Sendai Station]
Sendai Washington Hotel [0.4 km from Sendai Station]
Daiwa Roynet Hotel Sendai [0.3 km from Sendai Station]
Richmond Hotel Sendai [0.6 km from Sendai Station]
Dormy Inn Sendai Ekimae [0.5 km from Sendai Station]
ANA Holiday Inn Sendai [0.6 km from Sendai Station]
Hotel JAL City Sendai [0.4 km from Sendai Station]
Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai [0.4 km from Sendai Station]
MAP around Sendai station.
About Sendai (general guide)

Access to Sendai [Links (Tohoku Univ.) / PDF guide made by LOC]
Travel to Sendai area (PDF) (for Muslim, but simple and good for all)
Sendai Guide: Attractions(PDF) and Activities(PDF)
Organizing Committees
Science Organizing Committee
Badman, Sarah
Bagenal, Fran
Bonfond, Bertrand
Delamere, Peter
Hendrix, Amanda
Kasaba, Yasumasa
Kimura, Tomoki [SOC2019-vice-chair]
Kurth, Bill
Lamy, Laurent
Masters, Adam
Roth, Lorenz
Tao, Chihiro [SOC2019-chair]
Local Organizing Committee (Tohoku University)
Yasumasa Kasaba [chair]
Yuto Katoh
Hiroaki Misawa
Takeshi Sakanoi
Atsushi Kumamoto
Fuminori Tsuchiya
Masato Kagitani
Tomoki Kimura
Takahiro Obara
Naoki Terada
Isao Murata
Hiromu Nakagawa
Supported by
Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University
JUICE project, Japan Aerospace and Exploration Agency (JAXA)
The International Joint Graduate Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences (GP-EES), Tohoku University
Center for Aerospace Interdisciplinary Research, Tohoku University
Society of Geomagnetism and. Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS)
The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences
Local Contact
Yasumasa Kasaba
Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center (PPARC), Tohoku University
E-Mail: kasaba(at)pparc.gp.tohoku.ac.jp